Mathematical Modeling Lab @ Constructor University¶
$\text{A joint-work between Omar Elshinawy & Mohammad Habibi-Bennani, this project was completed in Spring of 2024 for a class in Mathematical }$ $\text{Modeling at Constructor University, under Professor Ivan Ovsyannikov and Mr Dzmitry Rumiantsau. }$
We start by importing the very basic libraries for this project.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
$\textbf{Problem 2.}$ We set $\zeta = 0.25,$ and proceed with $\dot x = v$
$$\ddot x + 0.5 \dot x + x = 0$$
which once again yields
$$\frac d {dt} ~ y := \frac d {dt}~ \Big(\begin{matrix} x\\v\end{matrix} \Big)= \begin{cases} \dot x = v \\ \dot v = -0.5 v - x\end{cases}$$
that is a first-order system of equations. We can represent this in python as follows,
def damped_oscillator_2(t, y):
x, v = y
return [v, -0.5*v - x]
$$x(0) = 1, \quad x(9) = 0$$
x_0 = 1; x_9 = 0
and a timeframe
$$t \in [0, 9].$$
tframe = (0,9)
$\textbf{2.1 The Shooting Method.}$
This method is useful for boundary value problems like our problem here. The idea is to use a guess for the initial velocity $v_0,$ coupled with the given $x(0) = 1$ to attempt solving the system as an intermediate value problem. Here is the recipe:
$\textbf{1.}$ shoot for a guess $v(0);$
$\textbf{2.}$ solve the IVP using $x(0), v(0);$
$\textbf{3.}$ check the solution $\tilde x(9)$ versus $x(9);$
if $\tilde x(9)$ does not meet the boundary condition $x(9)$ then clearly it is incorrect so adjust the guess and re-iterate.
We define the shooting function for an initial guess $v_0,$ and solve it as an intermediate value problem. We use the solver solve_ivp
specifically for that purpose.
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
Let us now rigorously formulate the previous ideas.
def shooting_function(v_0):
sol = solve_ivp(damped_oscillator_2, tframe, [x_0, v_0], t_eval=np.linspace(0, 9, 1000))
# 1. sol.y[0, t] gives x(t)
# 2. sol.y[0, -1] gives x(9), as -1 returns the last value in the time array
return sol.y[0, -1] - x_9
For the guess $v_0,$ our function returns the value of
$$\tilde x(9) - x(9).$$
We want this to be zero. This is due to the fact that
$$x(9) = x(9) \quad \text{ if and only if } \quad \tilde x(9) - x(9) = 0.$$
Let us worry less about solving this equation. For this purpose, we summon the root_scalar
method to find us the right guess.
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
# Find the guess v_0 which makes the equation 0.
sol = root_scalar(shooting_function, bracket=[-10, 10], method='brentq')
v_0 = sol.root
print(f"v_0 = {v_0}")
v_0 = 0.8741061753595658
We can now use the correct $v_0$ to solve the Intermediate Value Problem.
# Solve the IVP with the initial displacement + correct initial velocity
sol = solve_ivp(damped_oscillator_2, tframe, [x_0, v_0], t_eval=np.linspace(0, 9, 1000))
# extract time values
t_shooting = sol.t
#extract x values
x_shooting = sol.y[0]
#extract v values
v_shooting = sol.y[1]
# Check out the shooting result!
It now remains to "shoot our shot" with the results.
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4,))
plt.plot(t_shooting, x_shooting, color='blue', label='Displacement')
plt.plot(t_shooting, v_shooting, color='red', label='Velocity')
plt.title('Shooting Method - Solution Curve')
Bullseye. $\square$
$\textbf{2.2 The Finite Difference Method.}$
$\textbf{0)}$ For our differential equation
$$ \ddot{x} + 0.5 \dot{x} + x = 0 $$
with boundary conditions $ x(0) = 1 ~\text{and} ~ x(9) = 0,$ the goal is to summon the power of Linear Algebra to find values that approximate the function $x(t).$
- We discretize the time domain $[0, 9]$ into $n$ partitions $t_i.$
- With $n$ such $t_i$ at hand, we have $n$ unknown variables $x_i := x(t_i)$ which we want to find the value for.
- Therefore, it only makes sense to demand $n$ (linearly independent) equations in $n$ variables.
We show that each equation is of the form
$$ 0 \cdot x_0 + \dots + 0 \cdot x_{i-2} + \big( \frac{1}{h^2} - \frac{0.25}h \big) \cdot x_{i-1} + \big(\frac{-2}{h^2} + 1\big) \cdot x_{i} + \big(\frac {1}{h^2} + \frac{0.25}{h}\big)\cdot x_{i+1} + 0 \cdot x_{i+2} + \dots + 0 \cdot x_n = 0$$
where $x_i$ are the displacement at time $t_i.$ The authors personally think this method is very creative in the way these equations are obtained. Not to cause confusion, we will use the following definitions interchangeabely.
$$\begin{align*} t_{i\pm1} := t_i \pm h ~~~&\&~~~ x_{i} := x(t_{i})\\ \dot x_{i} := \dot x(t_{i}) \quad &\& \quad \ddot x_{i} := \ddot x(t_{i}) \end{align*}$$
$\textbf{I)}$ We start by discretizing the time domain. Divide the interval $[0, 9]$ into $N + 1$ subintervals to get $N$ interior points. The time step $h$ is therefore
$$ h = \frac{t_{N+1} - t_0}{N + 1} := \frac {9}{N+1}.$$
Thus, the total number of points, including the boundary points, will be $N + 2$. This is okay, however, as we already know the values of $x_0$ and $x_{N+1}$ as initial conditions. This is consistent with the $N$ unknown variables $x_{i}$ for $i \in \{1, \dots, N\},$ which are the interior points. We shall reference them using the same term in the code.
$\textbf{II)}$ We recall that the Taylor expansion of $x(t_i \pm h)$ is given by
$$x(t_{i+1}) := x(t_i + h) = x(t_i) + h \dot x(t_i) + \frac{h^2}{2} \ddot x(t_i) + \mathcal O(h^3) \quad (1)\\ x(t_{i-1}) := x(t_i - h) = x(t_i) - h \dot x(t_i) + \frac{h^2}{2} \ddot x(t_i) + \mathcal O(h^3) \quad (2)$$
$(1) + (2)$ is surprisingly not $3$, but it yields $(3)$ as we see below.
$$ \ddot{x}_i \approx \frac{x_{i+1} - 2x_i + x_{i-1}}{h^2} \quad (3)$$
More surprising is the fact that $(1) - (2)$ indeed gives $(-1)$, that is the last equation $(4)$ in our array of equations for this construction.
$$\dot x_i \approx \frac{x_{i+1} - x_{i-1}}{2h} \quad (4)$$
$\textbf{III)}$ Now, recall that the differential equation was given by $ \ddot{x} + 0.5 \dot{x} + x = 0 $ so we can use $(3), (4)$ to approximate the solution of $\ddot{x} + 0.5 \dot{x} + x = 0.$
$$\frac{x_{i+1} - 2x_i + x_{i-1}}{h^2} + 0.5 \cdot \frac{x_{i+1} - x_{i-1}}{2h} + x_i = 0.$$
With some simple algebra, we obtain that
$$\big( \frac{1}{h^2} - \frac{0.25}h \big) \cdot x_{i-1} + \big(\frac{-2}{h^2} + 1\big) \cdot x_{i} + \big(\frac {1}{h^2} + \frac{0.25}{h}\big)\cdot x_{i+1} = 0$$
which are all the coefficients we need. Notice that we can write
$$ 0 \cdot x_1 + \dots + 0 \cdot x_{i-2} + \big( \frac{1}{h^2} - \frac{0.25}h \big) \cdot x_{i-1} + \big(\frac{-2}{h^2} + 1\big) \cdot x_{i} + \big(\frac {1}{h^2} + \frac{0.25}{h}\big)\cdot x_{i+1} + 0 \cdot x_{i+2} + \dots + 0 \cdot x_n = 0$$
so that in each row only three coeffients are non-zero, namely $x_{i-1}, x_i, ~x_{i+1}.$ This makes the coefficient matrix $A$ tri-diagonal, which is crucial for how we construct $A \in \mathbb R^{N \times N}$ in our code.
$\textbf{IV)}$ Finally, notice that the variables $x_0, x_{N+1}$ are included in the first and last equations b[0]
and b[-1]
. The catch is that our system is defined for $x_1, \dots, x_n.$ We need all equations to be of the form
$$a_1 x_1 + a_2 x_2 + \dots + a_n x_n = b_k$$
so the equations which include $x_0, x_{N+1}$ are dealt with in the manner shown below.
$$\begin{align} \big( \frac{1}{h^2} - \frac{0.25}{h} \big) \cdot x_{0} + \big(\frac{-2}{h^2} + 1\big) \cdot x_{1} +\big(\frac {1}{h^2} + \frac{0.25}{h}\big)\cdot x_{2} = 0 ~&\iff~ \big(\frac{-2}{h^2} + 1\big) \cdot x_{1} +\big(\frac {1}{h^2} + \frac{0.25}{h}\big)\cdot x_{2} = - \big( \frac{1}{h^2} - \frac{0.25}{h} \big) \cdot x_{0} \\ \big( \frac{1}{h^2} - \frac{0.25}{h} \big) \cdot x_{N-1} + \big(\frac{-2}{h^2} + 1\big) \cdot x_{N} +\big(\frac {1}{h^2} + \frac{0.25}{h}\big)\cdot x_{N+1} = 0 ~&\iff~ \big( \frac{1}{h^2} - \frac{0.25}{h} \big) \cdot x_{N-1} + \big(\frac{-2}{h^2} + 1\big) \cdot x_{N} = - \big(\frac {1}{h^2} + \frac{0.25}{h}\big)\cdot x_{N+1} \\ \end{align}$$
This is indeed successful, as we can make use of the boundary conditions $x_0,~x_{N+1}$ which are (respectively) $x(0) = 1, x(9) = 0$ in our problem here to compute b[0]
and b[-1] = b[N]
without any ambiguity.
def finite_difference(N, t_span, x_0, x_n1, zeta=0.25):
# initialising
h = (t_span[1] - t_span[0]) / (N + 1)
t = np.linspace(t_span[0], t_span[1], N + 2)
# matrix A
A = np.zeros((N, N))
# n-dimensional solution vector
b = np.zeros(N)
# for each row (equation)
for i in range(N):
# avoids out of bounds error
if i > 0:
A[i, i-1] = 1 / h**2 - 0.25 / h # insert coefficient of x_{i-1}
A[i, i] = -2 / h**2 + 1 # insert coefficient of {x_i}
# avoids out of bounds error
if i < N - 1:
A[i, i+1] = 1 / h**2 + 0.25 / h # insert coefficient of x_{i+1}
# treating edge solutions
b[0] -= x_0 * (1/h**2 - 0.25/h)
b[-1] -= x_n1 *(1/h**2 + 0.25/h)
x_interior = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
x = np.concatenate([[x_0], x_interior, [x_n1]])
return t, x
We have successfully derived the finite differencing method, so we might as well put this nice construction into immediate use. We set the number of partitions,
N = 100
then simply call the function with the correct parameters.
t_finite_diff, x_finite_diff = finite_difference(N, tframe, x_0, x_9)
To get more creative, we use the values x_finite_diff
to find approximations to $v(t).$ This is made precise by means of equation $(4),$
$$\dot x_i \approx \frac{x_{i+1} - x_{i-1}}{2h} \quad (4)$$
as well as two more equations, namely the notorious
$$\dot x_i \approx \frac{x(t_i+h) - x(t_i)}{h} =: \frac{x_{i+1} - x_{i}}{h} \quad (5)$$
not to mention the less notorious but fairly obvious
$$\dot x_i \approx \frac{x(t_i) - x(t_i - h)}{h} =: \frac{x_{i} - x_{i-1}}{h} \quad (6).$$
This is merely a change of variable so to say.
def compute_velocity(t_finite_diff, x_finite_diff):
# Timestep is fixed
h = t_finite_diff[1] - t_finite_diff[0]
# Give it structure like x_finite diff
v_finite_diff = np.zeros_like(x_finite_diff)
# Equation (4) for interior points
v_finite_diff[1:-1] = (x_finite_diff[2:] - x_finite_diff[:-2]) / (2 * h)
# Treating Edge Solutions #
# Equation (5) for the first point
v_finite_diff[0] = (x_finite_diff[1] - x_finite_diff[0]) / h
# Equation (6) for the last point
v_finite_diff[-1] = (x_finite_diff[-1] - x_finite_diff[-2]) / h
return v_finite_diff
Now let us derive the array of values for $v,$
v_finite_diff = compute_velocity(t_finite_diff, x_finite_diff)
Finally, a visually aesthetic curve of displacement and velocity versus time.
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4,))
plt.plot(t_finite_diff, x_finite_diff, label='Displacement', color='blue')
plt.plot(t_finite_diff, v_finite_diff, label='Velocity', color='red')
plt.title('Finite Differencing - Solution Curve')
Ladies and Gentlemen, Finite differencing! $\square$
$\textbf{2.3}$ scipy.integrate.solve_bvp
This is fairly straightforward.
from scipy.integrate import solve_bvp
Start by discretize the interval $[0,9]$. Let us not forget to initialise the solution array y = [x, t]
with trivial values as well.
t = np.linspace(0, 9, 100); y = np.zeros((2, t.size))
Recall the initial conditions $x(0) = 1 ~ \& ~ x(9) = 0$. We pass them down in the form
$$x(0) - 1 = 0 \quad \& \quad x(9) - 0 = 0.$$
Similar to the shooting function, the task is to minimise this residual of functions all the way to zero, so that the solution $\tilde x(0) = x(0).$
sol = solve_bvp(damped_oscillator_2,
lambda y_0, y_n: [y_0[0] - 1, y_n[0] - 0],
t, y)
Next, let us extract the data.
t_bvp = sol.x
x_bvp = sol.y[0]
v_bvp = sol.y[1]
We conclude this presentation with the following plot,
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4,))
plt.plot(t_bvp, x_bvp, label='Displacement', color='blue')
plt.plot(t_bvp, v_bvp, label='Velocity', color='red')
plt.title('scipy.solve_bvp - Solution Curve')
Sieht gut aus. $\square$