Mathematical Modeling Lab @ Constructor University¶
$\text{A joint-work between Omar Elshinawy & Mohammad Habibi-Bennani, this project was completed in Spring of 2024 for a class in Mathematical }$ $\text{Modeling at Constructor University, under Professor Ivan Ovsyannikov and Mr Dzmitry Rumiantsau. }$
We start by importing the very basic libraries for this project.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Problem 1. Let us consider the equation of a damped harmonic oscillator,
$$\ddot x + 2 \zeta \dot x + x = 0$$
$\textbf{1.0.}$ We start by introducing a meaningful change of variable
$$v = \dot x,$$
which yields
$$\frac d {dt} ~ y := \frac d {dt}~ \Big(\begin{matrix} x\\v\end{matrix} \Big)= \begin{cases} \dot x = v \\ \dot v = -2 \zeta v - x\end{cases}$$
that is a first-order system of equations. We can represent this in python as follows,
def damped_oscillator(t, y, zeta):
x, v = y
dxdt = v
dvdt = -x - 2 * zeta * v
return [dxdt, dvdt]
with $y$ the vector of position $x$ and velocity $v$, $t$ the time variable, and $\zeta$ the parameter.
It returns the position and velocity derivatives respectively, which respect the aforementioned system.
$\textbf{1.1}$ Let us solve this system for the parameters
$$\zeta_1 = 0.25, \zeta_2 = 1, \zeta_3 = 2$$
zeta_1 = 0.25; zeta_2 = 1; zeta_3 = 2
zetas = [zeta_1, zeta_2, zeta_3] # array of parameters
and initial conditions
$$x(0) = 1~~\&~~ v(0) = 0.$$
x_0 = 1; v_0 = 0
y_0 = [x_0, v_0] # vector of initial conditions
Let us set a timeframe of 10 seconds.
$$t \in [0, 10]$$
t_0 = 0; t_1 = 10
$\textbf{1.1.1. Explicit Euler Method}$
First, observe that our system is given by
$$\frac d {dt} y = f(t, y, \zeta)~~~~\text{with}~~~ y \in \mathbb R^2.$$
To approximate a solution to this system, we start by defining the time steps.
$$t_n = t_0 + n \cdot \Delta t \quad \text{for} \quad n = 0, 1, 2, \ldots, N$$
Next, the solution is initialised with the initial condition
$$ y_0 = y(t_0). $$
We then iterate over each time step to compute the solution.
$$ y_{n+1} = y_n + \Delta t \cdot f(t_n, y_n, \zeta) \quad \text{for} \quad n \in \{0, \dots, N-1\} $$
In this context:
- $ y_n $ is the approximation of $ y(t_n) $ from the previous iterate.
- $ f(t_n, y_n, \zeta) $ is the value of $ f $ at time $ t_n $, state $ y_n $, and parameter $ \zeta $.
The sequence $\{y_n\}_{n \in \mathbb N}$ should converge to our solution.
def explicit_euler(f, y_0, t_0, t_1, dt, zeta):
# time steps
t_n = np.arange(t_0, t_1, dt)
# initialising t x 2 matrix of values with each row denoting (x, v) at time t
y_n = np.zeros((len(t_n), len(y_0)))
# set the initial condition, y(0) := (x_0, v_0) at t=0
y_n[0] = y_0
# loop from 1 to N - 1
for i in range(1, len(t_n)):
# y_{n+1} = y_n + dt f(t_n, y_n, \zeta)
y_n[i] = y_n[i-1] + dt * np.array(f(t_n[i-1], y_n[i-1], zeta))
# return (x,t) values at time t_n
return y_n
To solve the system, one now simply calls the function with the correct input. We will delay this for one moment.
$\textbf{1.1.2. Implicit Euler Method}$
The implicit Euler method is unsurprisingly implicit in the following sense.
$$y_{n+1} = y_n + \Delta t \cdot f(t_{n+1}, y_{n+1}, \zeta)$$
We see that $y_{n+1}$ is prevalent in both sides, meaning that for every $y_n$ we have an equation that needs to be solved, of the form
$$y_{n+1} - y_n - \Delta t \cdot f(t_{n+1}, y_{n+1}, \zeta) = 0.$$
Not to distract ourselves from the main objectives, we use fsolve
to obtain $y_{n+1}$ from the previous equation.
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
Recall that $y_n, ~\Delta t, \zeta$ are given, so that the equation above indeed yields $y_{n+1},$ its root.
def implicit_euler(f, y_0, t_0, t_1, dt, zeta):
# time steps
t_values = np.arange(t_0, t_1, dt)
# initialising t x 2 matrix of values with each row denoting (x, v) at time t
y_values = np.zeros((len(t_values), len(y_0)))
# set the initial condition, y(0) := (x_0, v_0) at t=0
y_values[0] = y_0
# for every time stamp
for i in range(1, len(t_values)):
t = t_values[i]
# define the implicit function
def implicit_eq(y_new):
return y_new - y_values[i-1] - dt * np.array(f(t, y_new, zeta))
# solve it using fsolve
y_values[i] = fsolve(implicit_eq, y_values[i-1])
# return the array of answers
return y_values
We will also delay calling the function for now. This is for the sake of conciseness.
$\textbf{1.1.3}~~$ scipy.integrate.solve_ivp
There is no magic here, really.
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
We can simply solve the equation for different timesteps and parameters. Usually this is of the form
solve_ivp(f, [t_0, t_1], y_0, args=(zeta,), t_eval=np.arange(t_0, t_1, dt))
where f
would be damped_oscillator
, y_0
the initial conditions, zeta
the argument, and dt
the preferred timestep.
$\textbf{1.1 Altogether: The Data Dictionary}$
For conciseness, we will be defining a dictionary X[dt][zeta]['x' or 'v'][-]
for timestamp $dt,$ parameter $\zeta $ such that,
is the reference solution usingsolve_ivp
is the explicit Euler method;X[-][-][-][2]
is the implicit Euler method.
We do not go into the details of constructing such a dictionary, as it takes us away from the main goals of this project.
We start by defining tstamps
, an array of timestamps $\Delta t \in [0.01, 1].$
N = 100
tstamps = np.linspace(0.01, 1, N)
From here we can choose two timesteps of different size. This will turn out to be a useful generalisation for the sake of this discussion.
dt_0 = tstamps[0]; dt_1 = tstamps[N*14//100]
This is just
$$\Delta t_0 = 0.01 ~\&~ \Delta t_1 = 0.15,$$
which we call directly from the tstamps
array to avoid numerical rounding errors.
print(f"dt_0 = {dt_0} | dt_1 = {dt_1:.2f}")
dt_0 = 0.01 | dt_1 = 0.15
X = {}
# for all timestamps
for dt in tstamps:
X[dt] = {} # Initialize dictionary
# for all zetas
for zeta in zetas:
X[dt][zeta] = {'x': [], 'v': []} # Initialize placeholders x, v
# More data handling
X[dt][zeta]['x'] = [None, None, None]
X[dt][zeta]['v'] = [None, None, None]
# Reference Solution solve_ivp
reference = solve_ivp(damped_oscillator, [t_0, t_1], y_0, args=(zeta,), t_eval=np.arange(t_0, t_1, dt))
X[dt][zeta]['x'][0] = reference.y[0] # y[0] gives x
X[dt][zeta]['v'][0] = reference.y[1] # y[1] gives v
# Explicit Euler Method
explicit = explicit_euler(damped_oscillator, y_0, t_0, t_1, dt, zeta)
X[dt][zeta]['x'][1] = explicit[:, 0] # 0 gives x
X[dt][zeta]['v'][1] = explicit[:, 1] # 1 gives v
# Implicit Euler Method
implicit = implicit_euler(damped_oscillator, y_0, t_0, t_1, dt, zeta)
X[dt][zeta]['x'][2] = implicit[:, 0] # 0 gives x
X[dt][zeta]['v'][2] = implicit[:, 1] # 1 gives v
And now, finding the right function has never been so simple. One only needs to call the correct function (with the correct parameters) to solve the system.
$\textbf{1.2. The Phase Space Trajectory.}$
The phase space trajectory is a plot of displacement against velocity. We proceed to demonstrate that below for
$$\Delta t_0 = 0.01 ~\&~ \Delta t_1 = 0.15$$
as well as for $\zeta \in \{0.25, 1, 2\}$.
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(20, 10)) # Figure with 3 subplots horizontally arranged
# index 1
i = 0;
# For big and small timestamps
for dt in [dt_0, dt_1]:
# index 2
j = 0;
# Method labels
methods = ["Built-in Solver", "Explicit Euler Method", "Implicit Euler Method"]
# Loop over each zeta value
for zeta in zetas:
# solve_ivp ; X[-][-][-][0]
axs[i,j].plot(X[dt][zeta]['x'][0], X[dt][zeta]['v'][0],
label=methods[0], linestyle='--', color='blue') # Plot built-in solver method
# Explicit Euler ; X[-][-][-][1]
axs[i,j].plot(X[dt][zeta]['x'][1], X[dt][zeta]['v'][1],
label=methods[1], linestyle='-', color='green') # Plot explicit method
# Implicit Euler ; X[-][-][-][2]
axs[i,j].plot(X[dt][zeta]['x'][2], X[dt][zeta]['v'][2],
label=methods[2], linestyle='-.', color='red') # Plot implicit method
axs[i,j].set_xlabel('Position (x)')
axs[i,j].set_ylabel('Velocity (v)')
axs[i,j].set_title(f"Phase Space Trajectory for $\zeta = {zeta}$, $\Delta t = $ {dt:.2f}")
# increments twice
j += 1
# increments once
i += 1
One can of course. introduce more coefficients $\zeta$ or manipulate the choices of $\Delta t_0, \Delta t_1$ when convenient.
$\textbf{1.3. Errors}$
Since we already have the built-in scipy.integrate.solve_ivp
, it will be our reference when checking the accuracy of our two Euler schemes. To make nice log-log graphs, we simply summon the plt.loglog()
command. In order to plot the error versus step size, we would like to
$\textbf{a)}$ call timestamps $\Delta t$ between $[0.01, 1]$;
$\textbf{b)}$ find the error $\epsilon$ for each timestamp $\Delta t,$ which will be the average error in comparison to solve_ivp
$\textbf{c)}$ plot the results in the form $(\Delta t, \epsilon).$
$\textbf{a)}$ The variable tstamps
has already been introduced with values $\Delta t_i \in [0.1, 1].$
$\textbf{b)}$ Now that we have the timestamps, we can start computing the errors. We will introduce the following convention:
is the explicit Euler error for (x or v);E[-][-][-][2]
is the implicit Euler error for (x or v);
in harmony with
E = {}
for dt in tstamps:
E[dt] = {} # Initialize dictionary
for zeta in zetas:
E[dt][zeta] = {'x': [], 'v': []} # Initialize placeholders x, v
# More data handling
E[dt][zeta]['x'] = [None, None, None]
E[dt][zeta]['v'] = [None, None, None]
# displacement error
E[dt][zeta]['x'][1] = abs(X[dt][zeta]['x'][0] - X[dt][zeta]['x'][1]) # |reference - explicit|
E[dt][zeta]['x'][2] = abs(X[dt][zeta]['x'][0] - X[dt][zeta]['x'][2]) # |reference - implicit|
# velocity error
E[dt][zeta]['v'][1] = abs(X[dt][zeta]['v'][0] - X[dt][zeta]['v'][1]) # |reference - explicit|
E[dt][zeta]['v'][2] = abs(X[dt][zeta]['v'][0] - X[dt][zeta]['v'][2]) # |reference - implicit|
Notice now that for instance, the error E[0.01][zeta]['x or v'][1 or 2]
has 1000 elements.
It only makes sense to take the average of these values for each timestamp dt
so that we can get the full picture.
for dt in tstamps:
for zeta in zetas:
E[dt][zeta]['x'][1] = np.mean(E[dt][zeta]['x'][1])
E[dt][zeta]['v'][1] = np.mean(E[dt][zeta]['v'][1])
E[dt][zeta]['x'][2] = np.mean(E[dt][zeta]['x'][2])
E[dt][zeta]['v'][2] = np.mean(E[dt][zeta]['v'][2])
With that off the checklist, we are ready to look at some nice graphs.
$\textbf{c)}$ Choose your preferred value for the parameter $\zeta \in \{0.25, 1, 2\}.$ We note that the dictionary X
is only defined for these values, but that can be easily changed by appending the desired $\zeta$ to zetas
zeta = 2
Then, collect the error averages for each method and variable. These will be the arrays of y-values in the $(\Delta t, \epsilon)$ construction.
i=0; tstmps = len(tstamps)
# initialization
explicit_error_x = np.zeros(tstmps)
implicit_error_x = np.zeros(tstmps)
explicit_error_v = np.zeros(tstmps)
implicit_error_v = np.zeros(tstmps)
# for each timestep
for dt in tstamps:
# explicit error averages
explicit_error_x[i] = E[dt][zeta]['x'][1]
explicit_error_v[i] = E[dt][zeta]['v'][1]
# implicit error averages
implicit_error_x[i] = E[dt][zeta]['x'][2]
implicit_error_v[i] = E[dt][zeta]['v'][2]
# increment
i += 1
Next, one simply plots timestamps $\Delta t$ versus error $\epsilon$ for each scheme.
# Plot setup
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 4))
# Displacement Error for Explicit Euler
axs[0].loglog(tstamps, explicit_error_x,
label="Displacement Error: Explicit Euler", linestyle='-', color='red')
# Velocity Error for Explicit Euler
axs[0].loglog(tstamps, explicit_error_v,
label="Velocity Error: Explicit Euler", linestyle='-', color='blue')
axs[0].set_title(f'Explicit Euler Error for $\zeta$ = {zeta}')
axs[0].set_xlabel('Step Size $\Delta t$')
axs[0].set_ylabel('Mean Error')
# Displacement Error for Implicit Euler
axs[1].loglog(tstamps, implicit_error_x,
label="Displacement Error: Implicit Euler", linestyle='-', color='green')
# Velocity Error for Implicit Euler
axs[1].loglog(tstamps, implicit_error_v,
label="Velocity Error: Implicit Euler", linestyle='-', color='orange')
# Some details
axs[1].set_title(f'Implicit Euler Error for $\zeta$ = {zeta}')
axs[1].set_xlabel('Step Size $\Delta t$')
axs[1].set_ylabel('Mean Error')
# Adjust layout and display plot
We make the following conclusions:
- the $\textbf{Explicit Euler Method}$ has an error of order $\mathcal O(\Delta t^2);$
- the $\textbf{Implicit Euler Method}$ similarly yields an error of order $\mathcal O(\Delta t^2).$
This conlcudes the exercise. $\square$